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B.C.’s Old Growth Scandal

In recent months, British Columbia’s government has made a show of protecting old growth through deferrals, when really it is approving forest destruction at alarming rates.

Old Growth Risk Map

This heat map created by Stand Research Group visually depicts the level of risk of old growth deferral loss across British Columbia. At closer view, you can see which big companies are posing the majority of the threat.

A long overdue commitment

The B.C. government committed to deferrals in all at-risk old growth in September 2020 when they made a promise to implement all 14 recommendations of the Old Growth Strategic Review Panel. We are 2 years into a 3 year suggested timeline, and they haven’t completed the first step. Though the struggle to protect ancient forests in B.C. has been decades long, here’s a timeline of what has transpired in the past 2 years.

The Whole World Is Watching

B.C.’s grandstanding has been a jarring contrast to reality: the most at-risk old growth forests are being cut down, while Indigenous peoples, scientists, advocacy groups and celebrities continue to call on B.C. to immediately stop logging in proposed old growth deferral areas.